Arctic treaty benefits
Arctic treaty benefits would be numerous, it would enable a new spirit of trust, sharing international cooperation just like the success of the Antarctic treaty. The Antarctic Treaty was first signed on December 1, 1959. This treaty originally included 12 different countries that had scientists exploring these territories between 1957 and 1958. This treaty did not go into effect until 1961 and now more than 50 territories are included in the treaty in total.

What Provisions Are Included?
The provisions that are included in the Antarctic Treaty are designed to ensure that the Antarctic is used only for peaceful purposes. This means that scientific research and exploration will be pursued and promoted in this region. Cooperation is necessary to make sure that all research found is shared and readily available. Making all scientific observations public is also one of the main goals of this treaty.
What Territories Are Included?
Those countries represented that signed the original Antarctic Treaty include Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom. Those countries that do not recognize this treaty include Russia and the US.
Reasonable Concept
The premise behind the Antarctic Treaty is very reasonable and even should be celebrated. It is proof that things can work out well with cooperation. However, the many resources that have been recently discovered in the Arctic have now brought the treaty under scrutiny. The treaty affirms that resources should be shared and made readily available, but Russia seems to have other plans in mind and is not open to an international Arctic Treaty concept in the principle of sharing fairly with neighbors.
Objections to moderation and international harmony
Who would object to the Arctic treaty? Only those that want more than what is fair, which puts Russia to the top of the list. Russia has been greedy in grabbing land from their neighbors, which is not true for other nations. It is about time that Russia finally notices their greed and decides to make a determined change that benefits the entire world. The resources of the Antarctic should be shared and should not be claimed out of greed. Rational debate and logical moral thinking should moderate and govern the future use of fossil fuels and the exploitation of natural resources from the Arctic area.
Why Does the Arctic Treaty Matter?
Arctic treaty benefits would enable moderation and control of the Arctic region respecting the Arctic natural environment as an International asset, with no one country having rights to exploit it. It would have a symbolic power to moderate the forces of greed over the natural raw materials. The symbolic gesture is powerful enabling the International researchers to begin their work in peace without interference from the mining industry and territorial disputes and wars. It is important that all countries comply with this treaty and see its importance. What about the world poverty and shortage of fish? it is only fair to share the food resources with those that need it most. Japan is a small country with many peoples, they have much greater need for the fishing waters than a large country like Russia. There are many poor nations in the world that need food resources much more desperately than the large land hogs of this world. Watch this YouTube video on the Arctic treaty benefits from Arctic fresh water.
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