Arctic Treaty success model
Arctic Treaty success model, a resolution on Arctic Governance has been passed on October 9, 2009, by the EU Parliament. It has demanded the Arctic Treaty, an international treaty aimed to safeguard the Arctic in the way the Antarctic Treaty system protects the interests of the Antarctic region. Behind the Arctic treaty is a proven success model – it is somewhat based on the Antarctic Treaty System, which materialized on 23 June 1961, following ratification by 12 nations which have been active for long in the Antarctic area. Read on to know about the parallels between the Arctic and the Antarctic treaties.
Regional Parallels of the Antarctic and Arctic
The Arctic region is similar to the Antarctic in various respects, it is covered partially by ice, it is subject to sudden changes in climate and its environment is also vulnerable enough. Not surprisingly then, the demand for a special Arctic treaty was made in keeping with environment rules.
The climatic necessities and environmental concerns in these two regions are quite similar, which have been reflected in the treaties drawn up for the two areas. Naturally, the treaties for both regions cover similar types of environmental issues.

Arctic treaty success model with the Spirit of Cooperation
The Antarctic Treaty system aims to make sure that the Antarctic region is used only for peaceful ends. It strives to bolster the spirit of international cooperation among various countries in the field of scientific research in all the areas of the region. It also tries to remove disputes regarding the authority of various territories. Likewise, the Arctic treaty aims to promote international cooperation in the field of scientific and military activities among different countries for the improvement of the Arctic region.
Constraining the inherent human greed and lust for material wealth
The real crux behind the Arctic and the Antarctic issue regards to the human occupation and activities can be summed up in three words, greed, lust, wealth. Greed and lust for more material wealth is the force that drives humans to land grabs, conflict and violence with territorial neighbors and accumulate to wars. Politics then attempts to whitewash the crux of the human greed problem. The balance can be found by the return to respect for the natural environment and the phenomena of LIFE in general. Corporations are driven by emotional powers that they can’t even themselves control. They are driven with powers that they don’t ven know why? What purpose is it for?
Respecting the natural environment of the planet earth will increase the power of holistic natural living and respect for life. Which in turn will balance the greed problem, and will also allow the remote areas of the planet to be left alone for future generations and for mother nature to heal and take care of and manage the planet environment the way that is more sane and natural.
Military Activities
Countries like the US, Russia and Canada have agreed to come together in the Arctic region for the militarization of the region. There are constant efforts from the nations in using military personnel and equipment for the betterment of the area as well as for search and rescue operations.

The spirit of the Arctic Treaty closely follows that of the Antarctic Treaty, which – although bans all military activity in the area for territorial sovereignty – supports territorial cooperation for continued scientific investigations. All the scientific results and observations in the region would be exchanged and shared freely. The aim of both treaties is to ensure that the areas are used only for peaceful purposes and in order to promote the freedom of varied scientific researchers for the betterment of mankind.
Articles of the Antarctic Treaty
- Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
- Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
- Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
- Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
- Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes;
- Article 6 – Includes under the treaty all land and ice shelves but not the surrounding waters south of 60 degrees 00 minutes south;
- Article 7 – Treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given;
- Article 8 – Allows for good jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states;
- Article 9 – Frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations;
- Article 10 – All treaty states will discourage activities by any country in Antarctica that are contrary to the treaty;
- Article 11 – All disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the International Court of Justice;
- Articles 12, 13, 14 – Deal with upholding, interpreting, and amending the treaty among involved nations.
The main objective of the ATS is to ensure in the interests of all humankind that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord. Pursuant to Article 1, the treaty forbids any measures of a military nature, but not the presence of military personnel or equipment for the purposes of scientific research.
Arctic treaty success model review
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